David Perell, host of How I Write

How great writing is made

Each week, writer David Perell sits down with a world-class creator to explore their creative process and riff on the craft. You can read their work anywhere; this is the only show where you can learn how they created it.

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Quotes from the Show

“People think of writing as a creative activity. And part of it certainly is. If you start to think of your writing process as an athlete, you treat it very, very differently. You do reps, you do sets, you think about recovery, you think about training, you think about discipline, you think about time management. You think about energy management.”

Jimmy Soni

“I think writing is one of the best ways to figure out [what you think]. It’s practical epistemology. You’re seeing your arguments in real time and how you make them. And it allows you to improve them over time to whatever you’re writing for. And people can give you feedback. It’s the greatest tool if everyone used it.”

Riva Tez

“Once I made the decision to print hardcover books, I was like, ‘Alright, I'm gonna be killing trees.’ And if I wasn't succinct before, that made me even more succinct. I was like, ‘I want these books to have the least number of pages possible.’ It made me go back and look at every sentence like, ‘Is this really worth killing a tree over?’ And every sentence had to pass that test, like, ‘Right, this is murder-worthy.’"


Derek Sivers